Monday, March 17, 2008

Will work for open source

Just in case you didn't know I am employed by Red Hat as a partner manager for the Dell Americas account. I happen to believe that RHT has a handle on the open source market in many regards, but even more than before after returning home from my company's annual sales meeting this past week.

I was emboldened by our renewed JBoss message and the ultimate flexibility of Linux Automation. We are doing many "firsts" in the industry but we are now truly staking our claim as the 'defining technology company of the 21st century'. This year holds much excitement for me; as we and the new CEO, Jim Whitehurst, move forward to evangelize the open source development model as well as feeding the subscription business model.

The competition is still there but I feel privileged to be a Red Hatter at this moment in time.

Monday, March 3, 2008


Often when I work remotely I tell my co-workers that I'm "mobile". Think about it. Nowadays many of us are mobile. On my way to work I see women putting on mascara, men talking on a phone, and steering with one knee with a cheese burger in the other hand. People are TCOB'ing and closing million deals in traffic. We are getting too consumed with doing too much while on the go.

"Hello, my name is Sam and I am an addict". I do waaaaay too much at one time and it constantly corrodes my quality of work but I just can't stop. Not with my BlackBerry on my side and my tri-booted laptop in my bag and ideas rattlling around.

So what's the point here? Not much ... Just wanted to get some things off my chest. Gotta go and answer e-mail, talk on the phone...
Sam Herren
sent from BlackBerry